The Albuquerque Grid Albuquerque

How a chance encounter with S&R Fitness changed one woman’s health journey

One Albuquerque woman’s fitness journey started in an unusual way – with a chance meeting at the deli counter. That is when Amy Henkel first got in contact with the health professionals at S&… Albuquerque woman, Amy Henkel, began her fitness journey after a chance meeting with the health professionals at S&R Fitness. The trainer, Racquel Rodriguez, one of the trainers at the fitness facility, introduced Henkel to her trainer and suggested a consultation. Henkel initially struggled with ongoing injuries and was afraid of reinjuring herself due to her age, but these fears were alleviated once she began working out. She credits her transformation to the trainers' attention to personalizing each workout to meet her needs and individualizes each workout based on the individual's needs each day.Henkel has noticed a significant increase in her health since she first started working out at the facility.

How a chance encounter with S&R Fitness changed one woman’s health journey

Publicados : 3 semanas atrás por Monica Wicke and Audrey Claire Davis no Lifestyle

One Albuquerque woman’s fitness journey started in an unusual way – with a chance meeting at the deli counter. That is when Amy Henkel first got in contact with the health professionals at S&R Fitness.

Racquel Rodriguez, one of the trainers at S&R Fitness, bumped into Henkel at the grocery store and a conversation about workouts was sparked. “I was like, ‘Oh, well I’m a trainer. My mom and I both run a business. Let’s do a consultation; we can talk about your shoulder and talk about what we can do for you here at S&R Fitness,'” said Rodriguez.

Henkel says she got Rodriguez’s business card and called about six months later. In those six months, Henkel dealt with ongoing injuries and did not think that age was on her side.

“Well, when I started, I was 73 years old. One condition I had, an IT band injury, and I had rotator cuff injuries in both shoulders,” said Henkel. “When I came, I was afraid of reinjuring myself in some way, not knowing enough about what to do, how to work out or anything.”

Henkel’s fears diminished right away as she began working with the professionals at S&R Fitness. Henkel was put at ease because Suzanne and Racquel Rodriguez tailor each workout to the individual and their needs each day.

“Well, when I first came in, Suzanne would say, ‘How do you feel today?’ and I would say, ‘I’m fine. How are you?’ She says, ‘No. What’s hurting? What feels good? What do you feel like you can do today?’ said Henkel. “The one big thing I learned was don’t ever tell her something is too light, cause then, you will get more weight, but that’s how I’ve progressed.”

Henkel says she has noticed the growth she has made since she first began working out at S&R Fitness. “It’s been night and day. Much better than I ever could have expected,” said Henkel. “As you get older, the cliché is you’re going to lose balance, you’re going to be off balance, you’re going to be weak, you’re going to hurt yourself. As that has gotten stronger, my fears have totally gone away.”

For anyone looking to change their lifestyle but hesitant to take the first step, Henkel says, “Go for it.” Henkel adds, “You don’t know until you try. I would probably also say that you’re never too old.”

If you would like to begin your fitness journey and change your life for the better, you can reach out to at Suzanne at (505) 715-7956 or Racquel at (505) 917-3290. To find out more about S&R Fitness, click here.

Tópicos: Fitness

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