The Albuquerque Grid Albuquerque

Giant Zozobra Balloon Set for Centennial Flight at Albuquerque Fiesta

A 130-foot tall hot-air balloon designed to honor the 100th anniversary of Zozobra's burning is set to soar at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. The balloon, funded by Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and the Kiwanis Club, is aimed at boosting tourism. A 130-foot tall hot-air balloon named Zozobra, or Old Man Gloom, is set to fly at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in October. The balloon, which costs $300,000, is a joint venture funded by Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and the Kiwanis Club, with funding sourced from surplus lodgers tax revenue. Despite initial skepticism over its potential to stimulate tourism, the City Council approved a budget allocation for Tourism Santa Fe incorporating funding for this grandiose balloon. While there have been debates over the balloon's effectiveness in drawing tourists, advocates believe in its potential appeal due to the massive visibility of the Balloon Fiesta online. A final contract regarding balloon's construction and maintenance is yet to be finalised.

Giant Zozobra Balloon Set for Centennial Flight at Albuquerque Fiesta

发表 : 5 个月前 经过 Muhammad JawadWorld

A landmark centennial celebration is set to take flight at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in October, as a 130-foot tall hot-air balloon embodying Old Man Gloom, or Zozobra, ascends to the skies. A masterstroke from the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, the balloon is one of the dozen special projects lined up to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Zozobra’s burning on August 30.

The creation, which comes with a hefty $300,000 price tag, is a joint venture funded by Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and the Kiwanis Club. Notably, the funding from the cities is sourced from surplus lodgers tax revenue. Despite initial skepticism from certain city councilors over its potential to stimulate tourism, the City Council green-lighted a budget allocation for Tourism Santa Fe, which incorporated funding for this grandiose balloon.

The balloon, bearing the imprints ‘Visit Santa Fe’ and ‘Visit Albuquerque’, is estimated to rack up $120,000 annually in maintenance costs. These expenses are to be divided equally among the contributing entities. Chris Rivera, a former councilor, expressed concerns over the balloon’s funding due to unresolved questions during his last meeting.

While debates over the effectiveness of the balloon in drawing tourists have surfaced, advocates firmly believe in its potential allure owing to the massive visibility of the Balloon Fiesta online. The Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe will maintain ownership and insurance of the balloon, while the city is set to pay a marketing fee to reduce liability.

Anticipation is high for the balloon’s debut prior to Zozobra’s burning, with plans of offering tethered rides for children. The balloon is also projected to feature at other regional festivals. Alongside the main attraction, a smaller, 25-foot remote-controlled Zozobra balloon, courtesy of a U.K. manufacturer, will be on hand for use under adverse weather conditions.

A final contract concerning the balloon’s construction and maintenance is yet to be deliberated by the City Council. The preliminary contract spans several years, with the balloon expected to have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

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